From zero to the system boundary. The Seven Steps of the Discovery Phase

  • 40 min

An analyst's knowledge of several (the more, the better) subject areas is a significant competitive advantage of a specialist and an important value for a company with such a specialist. In the current realities of "digitization of everything", a request to create or upgrade a system in a new, unfamiliar domain can arise at anytime. It would be nice to have techniques for quick immersion, not in 3-6 months, but in adequate time.
I will tell you how to conduct the Discovery phase in a few steps - immerse yourself in a new subject area and prepare a system concept. I do not promise you can do it in three days (let's be realistic), but you will speed up a lot.
I will give you a checklist for studying and researching a new domain. The methodology is based on the techniques and approaches of business analysis (BABOK Guide 3.0) and systems engineering (OMG Essence) and is confirmed by my practice in various industries: metallurgy, transport, energy, food industry, housing, and fintech.

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